Wednesday, 27 April 2011

I Miss You, Fashionistas!

Hello yellow! I hope I'm back! I miss blogging so much since I have a lot of things to say. Well, I've been away for a quite some time. Err err, I guess a long time! I missed lots of runways, everyone knows it. But I guess, I'm back! Hee. I lost my fashion sense eversince I was back from camp. But not now, I keep on buying stuff to mix and match my old clothes. And I'm inspired with Marc Jacobs these days. A red skirt and green cardigan. Wow! Ahh-mayy-zingg! I shall share few runways right? Yeaah. But sadly, I dont have time to upload the runway photos. But I'll try no matter what.

Till then yaa.
xx AimanN